dvhab.ru / Телепрограмма / Расписание на воскресенье (12 мая)

12 мая

Russia Today Doc (RT Doc)

06:00Wars and Disasters.
"From Berlin to Maidan", 1-я часть
06:14Wars and Disasters.
"From Berlin to Maidan", 2-я часть
06:30Wars and Disasters.
"From Berlin to Maidan", 3-я часть
06:42Wars and Disasters.
"From Berlin to Maidan", 4-я часть
07:00WW2 Chronicles.
"Eternal heroes", 1-я часть
07:13WW2 Chronicles.
"Eternal heroes", 2-я часть
07:30Wars and Disasters.
"Operation Ukraine. America's fingerprints", 1-я часть
07:42Wars and Disasters.
"Operation Ukraine. America's fingerprints", 2-я часть
08:00Wars and Disasters.
"Operation Ukraine. America's fingerprints", 3-я часть
08:13Wars and Disasters.
"Operation Ukraine. America's fingerprints", 4-я часть
08:30Wars and Disasters.
Blind Devotion
08:44Wars and Disasters.
Laura's Two Wars
09:00Red Alert.
"Germany: Fall Of An Empire?", 1-я часть
09:12Red Alert.
"Germany: Fall Of An Empire?", 2-я часть
09:30Red Alert.
"Germany: Fall Of An Empire?", 3-я часть
09:41Red Alert.
"Germany: Fall Of An Empire?", 4-я часть
10:00Wars and Disasters.
"Closer To Victory", 1-я часть
10:12Wars and Disasters.
"Closer To Victory", 2-я часть
10:30Wars and Disasters.
Frontline diary of an american officer, 1-я часть
10:43Wars and Disasters.
Frontline diary of an american officer, 2-я часть
11:00Wars and Disasters.
Frontline diary of an american officer", 3-я часть
11:13Wars and Disasters.
Frontline diary of an american officer", 4-я часть
11:30Historical Files.
"Holocaust The Questions I Never Asked", 1-я часть
11:42Historical Files.
"Holocaust The Questions I Never Asked", 2-я часть

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